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[그림형제] Rapunzel (라푼젤) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/the-brothers-grimm/fairy-tale/rapunzel Rapunzel Rapunzel "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" Originally published in the Brothers Grimm's fairytale collection, "Kinder- und Hausmärchen," translated as Children's and Household Tales in 1812, Rapunzel has been adapted broadly over countless generat americanliterature.com 단어장 grant : 승인(허락)하다, 들어주.. 2021. 11. 14.
[이솝우화] The Mice and the Weasels (생쥐와 족제비) 1. 원서읽기 https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_mice_and_weasels.htm Aesop's Fables: The Mice and the Weasels Aesop The Mice and the Weasels THE WEASELS and the Mice waged a perpetual war with each other, in which much blood was shed. The Weasels were always the victors. The Mice thought that the cause of their frequent defeats was that they had no leaders set apa www.tititudorancea.com 단.. 2021. 11. 10.
[이솝우화] The Lion and the Dolphin (사자와 돌고래) 1. 원서읽기 https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_lion_and_dolphin.htm Aesop's Fables: The Lion and the Dolphin Aesop The Lion and the Dolphin A LION roaming by the seashore saw a Dolphin lift up its head out of the waves, and suggested that they contract an alliance, saying that of all the animals they ought to be the best friends, since the one was the king of bea www.tititudorancea.com 단.. 2021. 11. 7.
[그누보드4] 회원가입시 도로명주소 사용하기 그누보드4로 제작된 홈페이지의 회원가입 페이지 주소 검색을 도로명으로 변경하는 방법 skin > member > basic > register_form.skin.php 파일 수정 주소 itemname='우편번호 뒷자리' value=''> itemname='주소' value=''> 위 소스를 아래와 같이 수정 주소 itemname='주소' value=''> 출처 : https://sir.kr/g4_tiptech/34387 2021. 11. 6.
[이솝우화] The Wild Ass and the Lion (야생 당나귀와 사자) 1. 원서읽기https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_wild_ass_lion.htm Aesop's Fables: The Wild Ass and the LionAesop The Wild Ass and the Lion A WILD ASS and a Lion entered into an alliance so that they might capture the beasts of the forest with greater ease. The Lion agreed to assist the Wild Ass with his strength, while the Wild Ass gave the Lion the benefit ofwww.tititudorancea.com 단어장alli.. 2021. 11. 6.
[그림형제] The Fisherman and his Wife (어부와 그의 아내) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/the-fisherman-and-his-wife The Fisherman and his Wife The Fisherman and his Wife There was once upon a time a fisherman who lived with his wife in a pig-stye close by the sea, and every day he went out fishing. And he fished, and he fished. And once he was sitting with his rod, looking at the clear water, and americanliterature.com 단어장 pig.. 2021. 10. 31.
(영어동요) If You're Happy and You Know It! https://youtu.be/71hqRT9U0wg If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands! If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands! If you're happy and you know it And you really want to show it, If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands! If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet! If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet! If you're happy and you know it And you really want to show .. 2021. 10. 26.
[이솝우화] The Stag in the Ox-Stall (소 외양간에 들어온 수사슴) 1. 원서읽기 https://fairytalez.com/stag-in-the-ox-stall/ The Stag in the Ox-Stall | Aesop's Fables Read The Stag in the Ox-Stall and other Greek fairy tales on Fairytalez.com, Reading time: 1 min, fairytalez.com 단어장 stag : 수사슴 lair : (야생동물의) 집, 굴 refuge : 피난처, 은신처 stall : 마구간, 외양간, (마구간의) 칸막이, 한 구획, 마구간에 넣다 vacant : 비어있는 induce : 설득하다, 권유하다 herdsmen : 목동, 가축의 소유주 for the present : 현재로서는, 당분간은 attend.. 2021. 10. 26.
[이솝우화] The Two Dogs (두 마리의 개) 1. 원서읽기 https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_two_dogs.htm Aesop's Fables: The Two Dogs Aesop The Two Dogs A MAN had two dogs: a Hound, trained to assist him in his sports, and a Housedog, taught to watch the house. When he returned home after a good day's sport, he always gave the Housedog a large share of his spoil. The Hound, feeling much www.tititudorancea.com 단어장 train : 교육(훈련) 시키다.. 2021. 10. 25.
[이솝우화] The Huntsman and the Fisherman (사냥꾼과 어부) 1. 네이버 오디오클립 https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/208/clips/30 28. The Huntsman and the Fisherman (by 재능방송TV) Abstain and enjoy. 때로는 즐거움을 얻기 위해 절제가 필요하다. audioclip.naver.com 단어장 strike up a conversation : 이야기를 꺼내다 in ages : 오랫동안 intrigue : 흥미(호기심)를 불러 일으키다 2021. 10. 24.
[그림형제] Snow White (백설공주) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/snow-white 2021. 10. 24.
[이솝우화] The Frog And The Mouse (개구리와 생쥐) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-frog-and-the-mouse The Frog And The Mouse americanliterature.com 단어장 pond : 연못 bank : 둑, 제방, 기슭 coax : 구슬리다, 달래다 anxious : 염려하는, 불안해 하는, 열망하는 companion : 친구, 동료 treacherous : 기만적인, 신뢰할 수 없는 hawk : 매 swoop : 급강하하다, (위에서) 내려덮치다 dangle : (달랑) 매달리다 2. 네이버 오디오클립 https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/208/clips/29 27. The Mouse, the Fro.. 2021. 10. 20.
[이솝우화] The Father and his Two Daughters (아버지와 두 딸) 1. 네이버 오디오클립 https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/208/clips/28 26. The Father and his Two Daughters (by 재능방송TV) You cannot please everyone. 모든 사람들을 만족시킬 수는 없다. audioclip.naver.com 단어장 gardener : 정원사, 채소 재배 농부 opposite : 반대의, 맞은편의 cultivate : 경작하다, 재배하다 cooperate : 협력하다, 협조하다 ingredient : 재료, 성분 2021. 10. 19.
[이솝우화] The Old Woman and the Doctor (노부인과 의사) 1. 네이버 오디오클립 https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/208/clips/27 25. The Old Woman and the Doctor (by 재능방송TV) Few things are done except for profit. 이익이 없이는 이루어지는 일은 거의 없다. audioclip.naver.com 단어장 generous : 너그러운, 관대한, 후한 apply : 바르다 ointment : 연고 belongings : 재산, 소유물 restore : 회복하다 court : 법정, 법원 confidently : 확신을 가지고 2021. 10. 18.
[그림형제] Hansel and Gretel (헨젤과 그레텔) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/hansel-and-gretel Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel Hard by a great forest dwelt a poor wood-cutter with his wife and his two children. The boy was called Hansel and the girl Gretel. He had little to bite and to break, and once, when great dearth fell on the land, he could no longer procur americanliterature.com 단어장 hard by : 매우 가까운 dwel.. 2021. 10. 18.