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[그림형제] The Bremen Town Musicians (브레멘 음악대)

by w.w.w 2021. 12. 16.


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The Bremen Town Musicians

A certain man had a donkey, which had carried the corn-sacks to the mill indefatigably for many a long year; but his strength was going, and he was growing more and more unfit for work. Then his master began to consider how he might best save his keep; but




certain : 어떤

indefatigably : 꾸준히

keep : 생활비

gasp : 숨이 턱 막히다

flight : 도주, 탈출

engage (oneself) : ~에 종사시키다

lute : → image

kettledrum : → image

scarce : 부족한, 드문

fugitive : 도망자, 탈주자

foretell : 예고(예언) 하다

pitch : 정점, 최고조

quality : 우수성

perch : (새가) 앉다

at a given signal : 신호에 따라

bray : (당나귀가) 시끄럽게 울다

din : 소음

minstrel : 음악가

hearth : 벽난로 바닥

spit : (동물이 짧게 성난 소리를) 내다

take for : 이라고 생각하다

taking the glistening fiery eyes of the cat for live coals

stab : 찌르다

rogue : 악당
