반응형 원서읽기82 [안데르센] The Story Of A Mother (어머니 이야기) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-story-of-a-mother The Story Of A Mother The Story Of A Mother by Hans Christian Andersen americanliterature.com 단어장 downcast : 의기 소침한, 풀이 죽은 respiration : 호흡 cradle : 요람, 아기 침대 burr : 쌩쌩(윙윙) 소리가 나다 overtake : 따라잡다, 추월하다 mute : 무언의, 말없는 afflict : 괴롭히다 wade : 걸어서 건너다 pulsation : 맥박 peony : 모란, 작약 plantain : 질경이 t.. 2023. 12. 24. [안데르센] The Flying Trunk (하늘을 나는 트렁크) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-flying-trunk The Flying Trunk The Flying Trunk by Hans Christian Andersen americanliterature.com 단어장 pave : (길을) 포장하다 masquerade : 가장무도회 all very well to do something : ~하는 것은 아주 좋다 (상대 말을 비판 거부할 때) "Pack up!" "Yes," he said, "it is all very well to say 'pack up,'" but he had nothing left to pack up, therefore .. 2023. 11. 14. [안데르센] The Angel (천사) 1. 원서읽기 https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Hans_Andersen%27s_Fairy_Tales/The_Angel Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales/The Angel - Wikisource, the free online library “Whenever a good child dies, an angel of God comes down from heaven, takes the dead child in his arms, spreads out his great white wings, and flies with him over all the places which the child had loved during his life. Then he gathers a lar.. 2023. 11. 8. Swan Lake (백조의 호수) 1. 원서읽기 https://fliphtml5.com/ilubk/zhpb/Swan_Lake_and_the_other_fairy_tales_%28A2%29/ Swan Lake and the other fairy tales (A2) Swan Lake and the other fairy tales (A2) fliphtml5.com 등장인물 Siegfried : a prince, who has to choose someone to marry him on the ball. Odette : a princess, a beautiful swan with a gold crown on its head, When it gets dark, she turn into human form, In the morning into sw.. 2023. 11. 5. The Wind in the Willows (버드나무에 부는 바람) - V. DULCE DOMUM by Kenneth Grahame (케네스 그레이엄) 1. 원서읽기https://americanliterature.com/author/kenneth-grahame/book/the-wind-in-the-willows/v-dulce-domum The Wind in the Willows, V. DULCE DOMUMThe Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahameamericanliterature.com 단어장huddle : 모이다, (떼지어) 몰리다beaten track : 밟아 다져진 길dubious : 애매한, 의심스러운metal : (도로에) 자갈을 깔다beset : 에워싸다, 포위하다innocent :~이 없는latticed : 격자 모양의, 격자로 된smoulder : (불이.. 2023. 6. 12. The Wind in the Willows (버드나무에 부는 바람) - IV. MR. BADGER by Kenneth Grahame (케네스 그레이엄) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/kenneth-grahame/book/the-wind-in-the-willows/iv-mr-badger The Wind in the Willows, IV. MR. BADGER The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame americanliterature.com 단어장 perish : (추위, 굶주림으로) 을 죽게 하다, 몹시 괴롭히다 down at heel : (구두의) 뒤축이 다 닳은 paternal : 아버지 같은 prank : 장난 draught(=draft) : 통풍 high-backed : (의자 따위) 등이 높은 settle :.. 2023. 4. 24. The Wind in the Willows (버드나무에 부는 바람) - III. THE WILD WOOD by Kenneth Grahame (케네스 그레이엄) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/kenneth-grahame/book/the-wind-in-the-willows/iii-the-wild-wood The Wind in the Willows, III. THE WILD WOOD The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame americanliterature.com 단어장 by all accounts : 다른 사람들 말에 따르면 put off : 미루다, 연기하다 offend : 불쾌하게 하다, 화나게 하다 evasively : 애매하게, 얼버무려 miry : 진흙투성이의 retire : 잠자리에 들다 pageant : 구경거리.. 2023. 4. 13. The Wind in the Willows (버드나무에 부는 바람) - II. THE OPEN ROAD by Kenneth Grahame (케네스 그레이엄) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/kenneth-grahame/book/the-wind-in-the-willows/ii-the-open-road The Wind in the Willows, II. THE OPEN ROAD The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame americanliterature.com 단어장 be taken up with : ~에 전념하다 in company with : ~와 함께 ditty : 짤막한 노래 dabble : 첨벙거리다 drake : 오리수컷, 하루살이 bill : 부리 roach : 민물고기 → image candid : 솔직한 ind.. 2023. 3. 26. The Wind in the Willows (버드나무에 부는 바람) - I. THE RIVER BANK by Kenneth Grahame (케네스 그레이엄) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/kenneth-grahame/book/the-wind-in-the-willows/i-the-river-bank The Wind in the Willows, I. THE RIVER BANK The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame americanliterature.com 단어장 mole : 두더지 spring-clean : (봄철) 대청소를 하다 broom : 빗자루 whitewash : 백색 도료, 회반죽 ache : 아프다 Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and .. 2023. 3. 18. [안데르센] The Swineherd (돼지치기 왕자) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-swineherd The Swineherd The Swineherd by Hans Christian Andersen americanliterature.com 단어장 swineherd : 돼지 치는 사람, 양돈업자 cool : 자신만만한, 뻔뻔스러운 inhale : 들이마시다 fragrance : 향기 in such a manner : 이런 식으로 casket : (보석, 귀중품을 넣는) 작은 상자 fie : 에잇, 쳇 humor : 기분, 마음 empress : 황후, 여제 execution : 솜씨, 수행 remembrance : 추억, 기억 posi.. 2023. 2. 10. The Lad Who Went to the North Wind (북풍을 찾아 간 소년) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/peter-christen-asbjornsen/fairy-tale/the-lad-who-went-to-the-north-wind The Lad Who Went to the North Wind The Lad Who Went to the North Wind by Peter Christen Asbjornsen americanliterature.com 단어장 lad : 소년, 청년 safe : (고기를 넣어두는) 찬장 puff : 훅 불다 give up : 포기하다, 그만두다 morsel : 소량, 조금 serve up : (요리를) 차려주다, ~을 내놓다 in one's stead : ~을 대신해서, ~의 자리에 daresay .. 2023. 2. 5. [안데르센] The Snow Man (눈사람) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-snow-man The Snow Man The Snow Man by Hans Christian Andersen americanliterature.com 단어장 set : (해달이) 지다 rake : 갈퀴 bring ~ into existence : ~을 생겨나게 하다, 성립시키다. predecessor : 전임자, 전에 있던 것 stab : 쑤시고 아픔 disagreeable : 불쾌한 kennel : 개집, 오두막집 hoar : 서리로 덮인, 서리 conceal : 감추다, 숨기다 foliage : 나뭇잎 birch : 자작나무 contemplate .. 2023. 1. 28. [안데르센] The Red Shoes (빨간구두) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-red-shoes The Red Shoes The Red Shoes by Hans Christian Andersen americanliterature.com 단어장 instep : 발등 dame : 여자, 여자의 존칭 sew : 바느질하다 strip : 길고 가느다란 조각 clumsy : 투박한, 솜씨 없는 mourning : 애도, 상복 compassion : 연민, 동정심 clergyman : 성직자, 목사 adopt : 입양하다 train : (바닥에 끌리는) 옷자락 confirm : 견진성사를 베풀다 count : 백작 patent : 특허의, .. 2022. 10. 23. [오스카 와일드] The Selfish Giant (이기적인 거인) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/oscar-wilde/short-story/the-selfish-giant The Selfish Giant The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde americanliterature.com 단어장 trespasser : 불법침입자 prosecute : 고발하다 selfish : 이기적인 frost : 서리 hail : 우박 linnet : 홍방울새 → image casement : 여닫이창 feeble : 허약한 wound : 상처, 상처를 입히다 palm : 손바닥 awe : 경외감 2022. 10. 20. Goldilocks and the Three Bears (금발머리 소녀와 곰 세 마리) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/goldilocks-and-the-three-bears Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldilocks and the Three Bears was originally titled The Story of the Three Bears, published in the collection English Fairytales, retold by Flora Annie Steel (1922), illustrated by Arthur Rackham. We hope you think it's not americanliterature.com .. 2022. 10. 15. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 다음 반응형