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Lazy Jack (게으른 잭) 1. 원서읽기 http://www.authorama.com/english-fairy-tales-30.html English Fairy Tales - Lazy Jack (by Joseph Jacobs) Lazy Jack Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack, and he lived with his mother on a common. They were very poor, and the old woman got her living by spinning, but Jack was so lazy that he would do nothing but bask in the sun in the hot weathe www.authorama.com 단어장 bask : .. 2022. 10. 10.
[샤를 페로] The Ridiculous Wishes (어리석은 소원) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/charles-perrault/fairy-tale/the-ridiculous-wishes The Ridiculous Wishes The Ridiculous Wishes From The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault, 1922 edition illustrated by Harry Clarke, translated by Samber. Let this be a lesson: "The Moral" follows the tale. In days long past there lived a poor woodcutter who found life very hard. In americanliterature.com .. 2022. 10. 8.
[샤를 페로] Puss in Boots (장화신은 고양이) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/charles-perrault/fairy-tale/puss-in-boots Puss in Boots Puss in Boots Puss in Boots is one of our Favorite Fairy Tales. Originally titled The Master Cat; or, Puss in Boots, from The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault, 1922 edition illustrated by Harry Clarke, translated by Samber. "The Moral" follows the tale. The americanliterature.com 단어장 puss : 고양이 m.. 2022. 9. 21.
[안데르센] The Little Mermaid (인어공주) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-little-mermaid The Little Mermaid The Little Mermaid The Little Mermaid (1837) is one of Hans Christian Andersen's most beloved fairy tales. It is about a mermaid willing to give up her life in the sea and immortality in exchange for a human soul. We feature it in our Fairy Tales Guide. Ha americanliterature.co.. 2022. 6. 28.
Sarah, Plain and Tall 단어장 dusk : 황혼, 땅거미 hearthstone : 벽난로의 바닥돌 hollow : 공허한, 낮게 울리는 slab : 평판, 판 crackle : 탁탁 소리를 내다 homely : 못생긴 plain : 평범한, 수수한, 꾸밈없는, 평야, 평지 holler : 고함, 큰 소리 wretched : 가엾은, 불쌍한 prairie : 대초원 feisty : 장난질 치는, 까부는 colt : 망아지 rascal : 장난꾸러기, 녀석 shuffling : 발을 끌며 걷는 turnip : 순무 enclose : 동봉하다 fold : 접힌 부분 pesky : 성가신, 귀찮은 seal : 바다표범, 물개 offshore : 앞바다의, 연안의 shingle : 지붕널 stalls : 외양간 pitchfork : 쇠.. 2022. 6. 5.
[안데르센] The Fir-Tree (전나무) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-fir-tree The Fir-Tree The Fir-Tree This charming fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen was first published in 1844, and retrieved from The Children's Book of Christmas Stories (1913). It's about a fir tree so anxious to grow up and achieve great things, that he has troubling li americanliterature.com 단어장 fir tr.. 2022. 3. 27.
[안데르센] The Little Match Girl (성냥팔이 소녀) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-little-match-girl The Little Match Girl The Little Match Girl The Little Match Girl, also titled, The Little Matchstick Girl is one of our Favorite Fairy Tales. Published by Hans Christian Andersen in 1845, it exemplifies his broad literary talent and ability. I personally like to read this stor americanliterat.. 2022. 3. 27.
[이솝우화] The Thieves and the Cock (도둑들과 수탉) 1. 원서읽기 https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_thieves_cock.htm 2022. 3. 24.
[이솝우화] The Flea and the Man (벼룩과 남자) 1. 원서읽기 https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_flea_man.htm 2022. 3. 22.
[이솝우화] The Dog and the Oyster (개와 굴) 1. 원서읽기 https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_dog_oyster.htm 2022. 3. 21.
[이솝우화] The She-Goats and Their Beards (암염소와 수염) 1. 원서읽기 https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_shegoats_their_beards.htm 2022. 3. 20.
The Little Prince (어린왕자) 단어장 boa constrictor : 보아뱀 digestion : 소화 apply : 전념하다, 몰두하다 geography : 지리학, 지리 arithmetic : 산수, 셈 encounter : 만남 close range : 근거리 enlightened : 현명한 crash landing : 불시착 isolated : 고립된 raft : 뗏목, 작은 고무보트 portrait : 초상(화) apparition : 출현, 환영, 유령 absurd : 어이없는 indulgent : 관대한 scribble : 휘갈기다 crate : 상자 peal : (웃음) 큰 울림 reverie : 몽상 contemplation : 응시 intrigue : 강한 흥미(호기심)를 불러일으키다 Jupiter : 목성 Mars.. 2022. 3. 19.
[안데르센] The Snow Queen (눈의 여왕) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/hans-christian-andersen/short-story/the-snow-queen The Snow Queen The Snow Queen The image of The Snow Queen is by Kelley McMorris and is used with her permission. FIRST STORY. Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters Now then, let us begin. When we are at the end of the story, we shall know more than we know now: b americanliterature.com 단어장 sp.. 2022. 2. 24.
The Little Red Hen (빨간 암탉) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/the-little-red-hen The Little Red Hen The Little Red Hen A Little Red Hen lived in a barnyard. She spent almost all of her time walking about the barnyard in her picketty-pecketty fashion, scratching everywhere for worms. She dearly loved fat, delicious worms and felt they were absolutely nece americanliterature.com 단어장 barnyard : 헛간 앞마당, .. 2022. 2. 13.
[이솝우화] The Cat and Venus (고양이와 비너스) 1. 원서읽기 https://www.tititudorancea.com/z/aesops_fables_cat_venus.htm Aesop's Fables: The Cat and Venus Aesop The Cat and Venus A CAT fell in love with a handsome young man, and entreated Venus to change her into the form of a woman. Venus consented to her request and transformed her into a beautiful damsel, so that the youth saw her and loved her, and took www.tititudorancea.com 단어장 entreat : 간청.. 2022. 2. 6.