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The Three Billy-Goats Gruff
The Three Billy-Goats Gruff The Three Billy Goat's Gruff is a famous Norwegian folktale that will charm any child. A mean and hungry troll lives under a bridge. He's hungry for a meal and would love to snatch and eat any goat attempting to cross his bridge
billy goat : 숫염소
gruff : 거친, 퉁명스러운
cascade : 작은 폭포, 폭포처럼 흐르다
saucer : 받침 접시
poker : 부지깽이
trip-trap : to make stomping or tapping noises while walking or running
trip : 경쾌하게 걷다
creak : 삐걱거리다
tramp : 터벅터벅 걷다
hoarse : (목소리가) 쉰
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