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[이솝우화] The Ass And The Load Of Salt (당나귀와 소금) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-ass-and-the-load-of-salt The Ass And The Load Of Salt The Ass And The Load Of Salt A Merchant, driving his Ass homeward from the seashore with a heavy load of salt, came to a river crossed by a shallow ford. They had crossed this river many times before without accident, but this time the Ass slipped and fell americanliterature... 2021. 10. 13.
Jack and the Beanstalk (잭과 콩나무) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/jack-and-the-beanstalk Jack and the Beanstalk Jack and the Beanstalk Jack and the Beanstalk first appeared as The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean in 1734. Featured iIllustrations are by Arthur Rackham, 1918 edition of English Fairy Tales retold by Flora Annie Steel. Enjoy sharing more g americanliterature.com 단어장 beanstalk :.. 2021. 10. 12.
[이솝우화] The Old Lion And The Fox (늙은 사자와 여우) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-old-lion-and-the-fox The Old Lion And The Fox The Old Lion And The Fox An old Lion, whose teeth and claws were so worn that it was not so easy for him to get food as in his younger days, pretended that he was sick. He took care to let all his neighbors know about it, and then lay down in his cave to w americanliterature.com 단어장 .. 2021. 10. 11.
[이솝우화] The Miser (구두쇠) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-miser The Miser The Miser A Miser had buried his gold in a secret place in his garden. Every day he went to the spot, dug up the treasure and counted it piece by piece to make sure it was all there. He made so many trips that a Thief, who had been observing him, guessed w americanliterature.com 단어장 miser : 구두쇠 observe : ~을 보다, 관.. 2021. 10. 9.
[이솝우화] The Fox And The Goat (여우와 염소) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-fox-and-the-goat The Fox And The Goat americanliterature.com 단어장 crafty : 교활한 leap : 뛰어오르다 tip : (뽀족한) 끝 → leaped from the tip of the Goat's horns out of the well. plight : 역경, 곤경 Look before you leap. 2. 네이버 오디오클립 https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/208/clips/22 20. The Fox and the Goat (by 재능방송TV) Look before you leap. 잘 생각해보.. 2021. 10. 7.
[이솝우화] The Bundle Of Sticks (막대기 다발) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-bundle-of-sticks The Bundle Of Sticks The Bundle Of Sticks A certain Father had a family of Sons, who were forever quarreling among themselves. No words he could say did the least good, so he cast about in his mind for some very striking example that should make them see that discord would lea americanliterature.com 단어장 forever .. 2021. 10. 6.
[그림형제] Little Red Riding Hood (빨간 모자) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/little-red-riding-hood Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by every one who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little cap of red v americanliterature.com 단어장 riding hood.. 2021. 10. 4.
[오류] '연결이 비공개로 설정되어 있지 않습니다' 해결방법 인터넷 링크클릭시, "연결이 비공개로 설정되어 있지 않습니다" 라는 오류메세지가 뜨면서, 특정사이트에 접속이 안될때가 있다. 처음엔 오류페이지 문구처럼 해킹이나 안전하지 않은 사이트임을 알리는 경고인 줄 알고, 접속을 피했었는데, 사이트 인증서 변경시 발생하는 문제로, 컴퓨터에서 인증서를 자동으로 업데이트하게 설정해두면 해결되는 문제였다. 1. 윈도우 왼쪽 하단 검색창(돋보기 아이콘)에 regedit 를 입력해서 레지스트리 편집창을 실행시킨다. 2. 레지스트리 편집창 주소표시란에 아래 경로를 붙여 넣거나, 폴더 경로를 찾아 들어간다. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot 3. DisableRootauthUpd.. 2021. 10. 3.
[이솝우화] Androclus and the Lion (안드로클레스와 사자) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/james-baldwin/short-story/androclus-and-the-lion Androclus and the Lion Androclus and the Lion Androclus and the Lion is one of our Favorite Fairy Tales for ages 8-12. In Rome there was once a poor slave whose name was Androclus. His master was a cruel man, and so unkind to him that at last Androclus ran away. He hid himself i americanliterature.com .. 2021. 10. 3.
[그림형제] The Golden Goose (황금 거위) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/the-brothers-grimm/fairy-tale/the-golden-goose The Golden Goose The Golden Goose This prophetic Brothers Grimm fairytale is about the supposedly dimmest and youngest of three brothers, who due to an act of kindness, is gifted a golden goose by an old man. The parable is about not being greedy-- trying to pluck a golden americanliterature.com 단어장 Dumm.. 2021. 9. 26.
[이솝우화] Belling The Cat (고양이 목에 방울 달기) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/belling-the-cat Belling The Cat americanliterature.com 단어장 bell : 종, 방울, ~에 종을 달다 call a meeting : 회의를 소집하다 constant : 지속적인, 계속되는 stir : 움직이다, 휘젓다 den : 굴, 소굴 in the midst of : ~하는 중에 2. 네이버 오디오클립 https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/208/clips/19 17. Belling the Cat (by 재능방송TV) It is easy to propose impossible remedies. 불가능한 개선안을 제안.. 2021. 9. 24.
[이솝우화] The Birds The Beasts And The Bat (새와 짐승과 박쥐) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-birds-the-beasts-and-the-bat The Birds The Beasts And The Bat americanliterature.com 단어장 declare war against : 선전포고 하다 compromise : 타협 tooth and claw(nail) : 필사적으로, 있는 힘을 다하여 quarrel : 다툼 persecution : 박해, 학대 pounce : 덮치다 owl : 올빼미, 부엉이 dine : 식사를 하다, ~을 먹다 by the score : 많은 openly : 공공연하게, 숨김없이 politic : 현명한, 교활한 tide : 형세, 경향 .. 2021. 9. 16.
[이솝우화] The Lion And The Mouse (사자와 쥐) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-lion-and-the-mouse The Lion And The Mouse americanliterature.com 단어장 rest : 기대다(on) timid : 겁많은, 소심한 rouse : (잠을) 깨우다 spare : 용서하다, 목숨을 살려주다 repay : 은혜를 갚다, 보답하다 stalk : (사냥감 따위에) 살금살금 접근하다, 몰래 다가가다 prey : 먹이, 사냥감 toil : 그물, 올가미 gnaw : 갉아먹다, 물어뜯다 2. 네이버 오디오클립 https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/208/clips/17 15. The Lion and the.. 2021. 9. 8.
[이솝우화] The Milkmaid And Her Pail (우유 짜는 소녀와 양동이) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/the-milkmaid-and-her-pail The Milkmaid And Her Pail americanliterature.com 단어장 milkmaid : 우유 짜는 여자 pail : 양동이 milk : (소, 염소)의 젖을 짜다 muse : 사색하다, 골똘히 생각하다 churn : (버터를 만들기 위해) 우유를 휘젓다 chick : 병아리 send a person about his business : 남을 나무라다, 남을 쫓아내다 toss : 던지다, (머리 등을) 갑자기 쳐들다, 젖히다 scornfully : 경멸적으로 Do not count your chickens before t.. 2021. 9. 4.
[그림형제] The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids (늑대와 일곱 마리 아기 염소) 1. 원서읽기 https://americanliterature.com/author/the-brothers-grimm/fairy-tale/the-wolf-and-the-seven-little-kids The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids This popular children's story is also known as The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids. There was once upon a time an old goat who had seven little kids, and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. One da.. 2021. 8. 29.