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영어원서읽기/The Brothers Grimm

[그림형제] The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids (늑대와 일곱 마리 아기 염소)

by w.w.w 2021. 8. 29.



1. 원서읽기



The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids

The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids This popular children's story is also known as The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids. There was once upon a time an old goat who had seven little kids, and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. One day sh




fetch : 가지고 오다

be on your guard : 경계심을 늦추지 않다

devour : 게걸스럽게 먹다, 먹어치우다

wretch : 비열한 사람

disguise : 변장하다, 위장하다

anxiety : 걱정, 불안

bleat : (양·염소가) 매애 하고 울다

shopkeeper : 가게 주인, 상인

lump : 덩어리

dough : 밀가루 반죽

miller : 방앗간(제분소) 주인

strew : 뿌리다

deceive : 속이다

meadow : 목초지

at length : 한참 있다가

gorged : 배부른, 가득찬

thrust : 밀다, 밀치다

greediness : 탐욕

rejoice : 좋아하다, 기뻐하다

thither : 저쪽(그쪽)으로

sew : 바느질하다

knock : 부딪치다, 두드리다

rattle : 덜거덕거리다

rumble-tumble : 덜거덕덜거덕 움직임

stoop : 몸을 굽히다

