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영어원서읽기/Aesop’s Fables

[이솝우화] The Monkey and the Dolphin (원숭이와 돌고래)

by w.w.w 2022. 1. 18.


1. 원서읽기



Aesop's Fables: The Monkey and the Dolphin

Aesop The Monkey and the Dolphin A SAILOR, bound on a long voyage, took with him a Monkey to amuse him while on shipboard. As he sailed off the coast of Greece, a violent tempest arose in which the ship was wrecked and he, his Monkey, and all the crew were




sailor : 선원, 뱃사람

bound : ~(비행기, 배 등) 행의, ~에 가려고 하는

voyage : 항해

on shipboard : 선상에서

tempest : 폭풍

wreck : 난파시키다

contend with : ~와 씨름하다, 다투다

convey : 실어나르다, 운반하다

Athens : 아테네

Athenian : 아테네의, 아테네 사람

descend : 계통을 잇다, 자손이다

harbor : 항구

intimate : 친밀한

indignant : 분개한

falsehood : 거짓말





2. 네이버 오디오클립



47. The Monkey and the Dolphin (by 재능방송TV)

<MORAL> He who once begins to tell falsehoods is obliged to tell others to make them appear true, and, sooner or later, they will get him into trouble



wreckage : (난파선 등의) 잔해
