[이솝우화] The Thief and the Innkeeper (도둑과 여관 주인)
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Aesop's Fables: The Thief and the Innkeeper
Aesop The Thief and the Innkeeper A THIEF hired a room in a tavern and stayed a while in the hope of stealing something which should enable him to pay his reckoning. When he had waited some days in vain, he saw the Innkeeper dressed in a new and handsome c
innkeeper : 여관주인
hire : 고용하다, 빌리다
tavern : 여관
reckoning : 계산
flag : 기, 깃발, 지치다, 시들해지다
inflict : (고통, 형벌) 가하다
make off : 급히 떠나다, 달아나다
Every tale is not to be believed.
2. 네이버 오디오클립
40. The Thief and the Innkeeper (by 재능방송TV)
<MORAL> Every tale is not to be believed. 모든 이야기를 사실로 여겨서는 안 된다.
debt : 빚, 부채
reluctantly : 마지못해